Why Referrals are king of the world!

The most successful sales people, the ones that are in the top 1% all know one indisputable truth. Referrals are king! They know it is not about cold calling, knocking on doors, walking into places randomly. It is about looking at your active client base and asking yourself what have I done for them lately? For if you understand that you have to give to get, you will become top of mind with your clients and create raving fan relationships with them. Do not be afraid to ASK your clients for referrals. They are happy to help you when you ask. The best time to ask is after you did something positive for them or after they may have paid you a compliment. Ask then and they will usually happily want to help you with a referral. Make it easier for them too by giving them examples of what a good referral is for you rather than just saying you can work with anyone. Saying that makes your client’s brain hurt because they have to really think. Its better to be specific like saying for example that you love working with people in Pharma or IT or tech or automotive etc. Also, rather than your client sending an email introduction from the referral to you or even them calling said person to mention you the best scenario is if you can arrange to take your client and the person they are referring you to out to lunch!

Remember to include ASKING FOR REFERRALS in your weekly activities. It is that important!!