Drum roll please for………Think and Grow Rich

Many of you who know me know how much of a fan I am of Napoleon Hill. Napleon Hill was of course the author of one of the most influential books ever written Think and Grow Rich. What’s that, you don’t have it? You never heard of it before?? Oh me garshhhhhh. Well please stop what you are doing and go to Ebay, Amazon or the bookstore and plunk down $10 immediately for this book. It is the greatest book ever (in my mind and many others) on sales and self help. Mattter of fact 1000s of our greatest sales people and self help experts over the past 80 plus years were all heavily influenced by Think and Grow Rich. I promise you, if you read this book your life (personal, business, spirtual) all will improve. Gosh I’m getting giddy just thinking of you reading it for the first time WHAT A GIFT!!! I can talk about this book for days, but I will just share one quote from it that I live by. Matter of fact it’s one of the most powerful things I have ever heard. Here’s Henry Ford to Napoleon Hill: WHETHER YOU THINK YOU CAN OR YOU THINK YOU CAN’t YOu’RE RIGHT – Think about that. It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy. Wowwwwww. Powerful stuff huh! There’s a reason this is the top selling success book of all time and that it is called the granddady of all motivational literature! Let me know your thoughts after reading it. Would love to hear from you.

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